Saturday, July 16, 2016


If you don’t live your life to the fullness ,you live to regret it later .It is also even a regret to start late or too late or too soon ,how much worse never at all or those who  never get  to start all even for lifetime .For you to even start you must first of all discover yourself get mentorship and labour until your time  comes   .If you don’t use your time well life itself is boring to live and these are some of the reasons for those who  regret it so much to the point of committing suicide or give it up too easily . Every beautiful morning you wake to do one important thing or the other only to find out you are stuck in time trap-a condition in which you ended up with frivolities defeating the objectives for the day .
You are often caught by this trap and never get to do what you desire or ought to do for the day .These are diehard choices among competing menial choices.The barrier here  is aimlessness. Aimlessness or tactlessness is a great burden to  time  poorest managers who obtain values and virtues at sinecure .It is a great liability to the development of human arts ,human customs and tradition –an excess baggage that dampens requisite capability at effective time management .Knowing fully well ,time is the most precious resource and the wisest investment of nature deployed so much easily in the development of arts  and culture and then science and technology or to a larger extent ,  per capital customs and  tradition that collectively aggrandizes its macrocosmic value for development of mankind in general.
Though this tardier deficit nature of poor time management is also warranted by nature taking into consideration envisaged  cumulative loss value to herald  the annals of antecedence. Or when juxtaposed by history or extrapolated by time forecast or  human rationalism tends to huddle the most rational minds out of the population of the most insensible psyches stimulated hortatorily to excel  as they might desire .As hotbed of miasma ,the hotblooded or most passionate minds are known to avoid this trap .Nevertheless  , human vision or ambition  uses time effectively  to invest in human arts and culture and exploits similar mechanism to mature its investment .Beginning with  its strongest template –vision –a long run effect of matured dream is formulated by an objective mind .This saves the theft of time when properly managed in the ministry of missions ,taking you beyond the dreamland zone .
Invariably ,you are caught in this trap by aimlessness ,procrastination, indecision and a host of other  distractions in this lifelong battle  and to be overwhelmed by them could be a great  burden  to astute time management skills of  artist-in-question.For you to be overcomed by this distractions  –indicates  fiddlesticks fibre and a  certain level of tactlessness. Aimless people subconsciously squanders  quality time even at prime time including its effective use perpetrating the worst form of reckless art ever seen. Not always meeting your target or target-points for the day is a great abuse ,a misfiring and a havoc of nature’s precious resource.
Those targets are liabilities that must be converted to a competitive enterprise popularly known as responsibilities .This according to natural  law of time ,must  be invested in action,executed   and undertaken on a daily basis to be able achieve or fulfill  your vision or expected ends.These targets as actionable securities to be invested in a cultural stake exchange  must be monetized by responsibility –a sole template of human and cultural activity.Unfortunately ,tactlessness impinges or hinders the prism and quality of human capability destroys potential,openly abuse talents and decimates destiny –whether discovered or not and threatening   your vital interest upon which those targets are fixed or stand .But for those ingrained in the qualitative use of time could tell or bear witness or share empirical evidence on the ultimate value of human objectivity and the strategic impact of effective use of time at a particular period .
Once your purpose is discovered or destiny uncovered ,decide  on a set of actionable securities to be invested upon,but first set your vision and standard mission statements including their corresponding goals and strategies  of how to get there dissecting similarly well  the right option of monetisable responsibilities.If you use your time well and monetizes  rational and empirical responsibilities as at when due  ,you ‘ll understand the proportional value of the popular adage-‘’TIME IS MONEY ‘’.
You know there are couple of  responsilities and activities that must be undertaken either on a daily,weekly  ,semi-weekly,or  monthly basis or as the case may be to get to your destination.These are your targets  and target-points to monetize your time benchmarked vision.Even if you misfire   at those targets ,keep the consistent firing of the cannonballs .Sometimes ,they are unfruitful targets at  both cause and effect ends ,sometimes, it pays or fruitful.But keep firing with the right action and right responsibilities ,they sure add up finally  to eventful bliss.We know the most important is to be consistent keep your right responsibility as visioneer to be committed ,selfreliant and fully dedicated to a chosen course .This speaks volume of the immense significance of what we believe-faith is the key fueling VVL-the missing libido .A career is formed on the basis of rightful responsibilities and meaningful obligations and when are fully performed a reward system is morally exploited and benefited which is not available for members of the publics outside this box of careerist population.
Effective time management by hilly beans is central to the quantum leaps of mankind  in modern times  as nature’s investible securities appreciate and depreciate its outputs with age .To some it appreciates as they age holder and vice versa .Given its depreciating demerit it is certainly profitable for wise time investor  to engage in early investment .Though depending on the nature of task at hand ,the wisest investor nevertheless reaps earlier and rest so much later or mature as time ages .I think philosophers,scientists,technologists and researchers in general better appreciate with time and such time management skills require emulation aspiring whole caboodle .
Events or universal life events are not often what they seem and so they need to be handled with great care and the best form to handle such obligation is through  wise use of time .Time we know waits for no one and it sometimes deliberately uses distractions  to ignite irrationality of the  insensitive people to  underrate,undervalue and undermine its potential ,lampoon its frugality and thus revisit them with the costly implications of its fury and retribution.Over the long haul it regains its integrity  from such ridicule of sarcasm  as time appreciates and depreciates as history ages .
Time pays those who respects its integrity from which we tap to make meaningful investment  which is possible only when destinies have been uncovered .This shows that the huge gap between great achievers and great loosers or the strategic thin line between failure and success is basically effective time management  or objective use of time .Visionary productive activity with tested reward system still remains the wisest form of time investment that could appreciates with time if sustainably  hatched .
Time is the greatest enemy of mankind .Squandered by insensitivities or not it is indeed our greatest adversary and owns the key to the birth and someday the death of man and within this stretch we are computerized to live only for a time .It detests man’s eternal souls on earth  and possible eternity of mankind .It was designed by mothernature to appreciate man a little and get rid of him forever His best form of arts is meant to appreciate and depreciates within this stretch .Even man’s greatest achievement at a time is envied  using the standard to raise a better generation to come later  and beat the erstwhile  record set by previous  generation .This should not surprise us why the progress of a later generation seems to exceed the previous epochs.This cuts across every field of human endeavours especially sciences and wealth formation and that is each generation advances better than previous generation.
Procrastination or insensibility  is a lag effect of indecision itself a lag effect of  a cowardice which is also a function of incompetency and they lead to aimlessness .The long chain of distractions orchestrates man’s enmities with time and a great destroyer of destiny .By guiding against these distractions we can  battle our enmities with time to a standstill and explore optimal use our time tradable skills .With the parlous organization of modern society ,the existing method and   future consumption pattern of time is increasingly under siege nevertheless has become a pleasure and a standard trademark of civilized life .
A great majority of mankind caught in this  web die without hope and gutted by these factors .The insensitivity of the human persons concerned and unkempt organizational culture  of modern society point finger to this degrading trend  .Depending on the individual resolve one can make a difference .Listen to your inward witness or  inner mind and external witness .Our determination to change our society as the beter lies in our collective resolve taken individually can  add up as human destiny ties its apron with the ideals of our collective purpose consciously or subconsciously.
Time is not our friend and it opposes everything we do  even when they are meaningful ,it might even eny you the more You ask yourself  why the adage-Whom the God loves die young’ or where is that the good people sometimes  die so quickly and the bad and ugly even live much longer?How much worse to a gutter mind !It has two missions always two missions at a time –to make mankind succeed and to fail,to reap and harvest ,to rise and fall , to progress and regress to born and die etc .So at a time it is  oriented both good and evil and always prefer evil to happen especially when it profits extensively on the inaction of men and hardly prays for any on e to succeed.Because if she does ,and never harvest evil fruit and evil in clear terms ,it might be barren investment and no rich resource for the posterity or future generation to learn from.
So,don’t think time favours you ,if you do well he only rewards you.Have you try to remember or recall sometimes what you gain is not commrensurate to what you sow?It is so because time envies you and some maybe  lucky to reap more than thery sow or never sow .You know what it is the mothernature-a higher  power that intervenes to  favour you but left time you reap as you sow even sometimes less. In this context it is a dual messenger at every fucking  time-crusading power and weakness ,hope and gloom,death and life –that is a time a child is born a man dies .It is funny and ironical and a paradox I must say with due respect to this conundrum intrigues and wiles of the devil as Christians call it .It is sent to make us achieve and to make us that is when one rises another falls .The prosperity of nature lies in this diversely  overt diversity –the very rich resource of human civilization .That is it is possible for every rich invention in life to keep growing and improves its standard to make it much better than previous civilization and attempt so that today’s patents and works of art turns stale with appearance of better patents and highly improved  technology .Unknown to many  ,the richness of success lies in the failure of  failure and the richness of virtues and goodness lie in the high density or thickness of existing vices and cumulative evil .So a little of evil and good maketh life  much more richer than too much good that may not excite  time .
Such outlandish-regressive-progressive  theory  of time as opposed progressive –regressive theory in its ablutionist is presently being applied by those who control world civilization .Infact with the antecendence of postcolonialism that still abounds it is not yet over decoupled  or the world economy is not yet over from the outlandish superiority of progressive-regressive theory  and practice of time management currently  being applied by Caucasian stock of human civilization . Special edition is separate for this circumspection but the future explosion is looming beyond the confines of mortal ignoble prevision.To cut  roughly 80 percent of world population from full blast participation in world  economy is a pointer to the fact that those who are the best time keep and best time mnagers are also the worst time managers and worst time  keepers.Why keep underdevelopment some territories to your advantage and keep full exploitation milking them dry for racial pride ?Knowing fully well that poverty is a contagious thing in the same like prosperity and diseases that cannot be transported from carrier to the new carrier .
These are empirical ev idences that foolproof that mankind is a great value destroyer of nature ‘s most precious resource and a dime earned  only within the illimitable potential of this irreplaceable astro-combustible engine of change .It takes only the dead from the graveyard excavated or not to tell us of the immense value of this resource as can be computed form effect to cause-backward looking with the best data ever  rather than ambivalent insight meandered from cause to effect-a forward looking approach normally adopted by the living who could not see the past that better sees the future even when they read from vaguely documented books of history .No one sees past the eagle in flight and provided it is gifted with robust greymatter shares better insight with time than the whole of mankind  put together.Even when the plane alights into the sky what do we see or mere firmament ?
The space that harbors time being the cultural field is in clear terms harbored by mothernature or its web of eternity .And from this saddle of index –time,change is ordained into pragmatism to oscillate nature that ordinarily streams out of its abstraction field –the true omnipotent cradle of omniontology or everything  .No one can satisfy time ,  only mothernature can  and it is not true if God exist he could neither not being his  creation met on the plain ,how much worse for man-a fickle of nature’s art work!
It would interest you know that the discovery of time first computed by coevolution within the space of abstraction field shot time technology to limelight equally discovered  change as motion perambulated to similarly to shoot cultural field into reckoning burgeoning ontology and the successive generation of simple life forms –a mere extention of cultural life forms.Over time as immutable as the medes and Persia by its patchwork had become the calendar of change ,mothernature and ontology respectively 
Being responsible and responsive to  change provides ample platform and avenue for the computation of movables ,change and material universe-motionalisation  .These are the building blocks of preform,form and post form –life extinction if need be ,an empirical evidence of life as a mystery and yet we know it not .
The nebula of time when we are  hung in a gauchy cloud can be the most profound influence of artistic progress of man .Of course it is due to  chronophobia in a synoptic perusal tends to stimulates capacity to act ,perform and deliver .
Obvoiusly time must not be ridiculed and the prevalence of human,economic ,political and social crisis,vices,poverty and deprivation everywhere can be linked to poor knowledge of effective time management and a great abuse of time to which penal we pay and our life is held in danger of its repercussion. This we pay on a daily basis yet we know it not.Humanity to a larger extent is aimless despite the gigantic leaps in modern civilization and we pay dearly for unrepentant time abuse that never forgets let alone forgives and  basking in the euphoria of new found modern wealth torpedoed by occasional crisis as forewarning still yet we know it not .Unlike Maya Angelou I do truly know why  the caged birds could not sing.
As we ridicule time ,in like manner the sarcastic ego of time is under mandate to ridicule in return to condescend so low to ridicule an innocent child as well as the aged even for the sins of past generations that they know nothing about .Conspicuously it sounds so depressing and a funny or ironical thing to try to beat time .We might disagree we hardly do err in this light but by action-buffoonery  running helter skelter to and fro from home to work-a plague that capitalists class had inflicted on the large army  of salaried slaves and slavish workforce of modern age alienated from their destiny prior to being diffussionists  portends the imbecility at full blast.
Effective use of time that suggests smart workforce leveraging is far more important than the notion’Time is money ‘ to equate the fact that it is only important in the  long run having paid its dues .
Unless you manage time effectively  well  you are not immune from the discomforts, inconveniences and all manner of insecurities linked to civilized life .This is vital  to stop all forms of mental hallucination , and that verity greedily stands  as far as the ministry of mission is concerned everything is not money .First things first according to Peter F.Drucker and I think the first thing is service ,I mean quality service and that is the only process and route to communicate value .This value can be monetized in the long run after a certain level of goodwill must have been created .In the long run goodwill as surplus value of a brand and brand affinity depending on its quantity-size and quality  can determine the level of value  optimization  including the price and cost of service .
A  critical outlook at the teleological disposition guiding the pragmatic course of history shows that the activity of history as epistemological hunting ground as primary mandate cannot be impugned .Such texture of information mass production -facts and statistical harvesting determines the  course of the day from the rising of the sun to the going down of the sun.This pretty logic of mothernature simply follows the rule that the greatest share we ever bought and the greatest stock we ever sold monetized through growth of time and multiplication of productive activity to curry gains in the right proportion as we desire .When we buy a given stock of time  we do know when it is perhaps a good buy  for we gain not initially and when we sell do we loose ?Of course positive outcome tells us that we gain on the average .That is the greatest question and answer of all time .How tenable do they last  over the long haul?
No man can rise above the level of his time investment and we are as precious as the time we invest in .Wes hould know that time befriends only eternity and is no friend of man –a fickle who could last only 50,60,70,80,90 or at best 100 years old .Is’nt that ridiculous ?Of course It is a gospel and what friendship does a mortal man have in partnership with an eternal man ?It is simply absurd .This is what I called ‘cultural mismatch’’.If you  don’t have multiple strategies to survive ,you might be doomed to fail.
This enmity or distractions reduce population of would be-wise time  investor-those generation of men  taking new decision-making  mortal expedition a mere chronic vanity . Consequently ,life is wasted as man returns to the grave –his eternal home .Avoiding this distraction can maximize the value of human existence and boosting our chances of golden place in history .Through time technology  man is computerized to live this stretch for a while and kicks up the daisy at appointed time .Let’s look at nature ‘s tangled web for a simple analogy a little closely .The investment of mothernature through the discovery of time is a catalyst for the emergence of form from formlessness to protrude material universe and nature in general as we see it today of which Man is an integral part .In the same way as existentialism,the growth of cultural activity is responsible for its protrusion over the course of time .
To make a  meaningful impact in a short lived lifetime ,one is expected to wisely invest in time in order to maximize human value offering quality services in a self exploited visionary environment .By equipping ourselves with a model behavior ,we must decide ,devise strategy and equip ourself with the right time  consumption pattern of life .cashing in your ventures for a heavier rewards and a blissful well lived lifetime.With increasing volatility in modern times ,it may take extra –determination and hyper-consistent  volition to get things done .AS  an indispensable resource for human survival ,an eternal anchor of nature’s intricate web and a vastly computerized elements of mothernature within its realm  sovereign and supreme ;dispenses the quality of human and natural existence both in the short and the long run.We are constrained by the factors that operate within and beyond us ;through which we are propelled to succumb to the forces of nature under control of time to which all destinies are tied .
It can be difficult to handle change in the same way economists  and monetarists do believe inflation cannot be effectively controlled or prices but much more importantly money can be easily brought under control of monetary authorities .In case of change very difficult to handle but by wise management of time the ignoble evils and repercaution of virulent change can be easily managed or brought under control to ensure public justice and universal welfare .Time as more or less an effective trade with change can also be regarded  indeed as the best form of natural commerce known to mankind .It uses human arts ,intuitive learning and dimensional evaluation of instinction  that comes before learning ,juxtapositorily and extrapolating to determine operative ecology and complex method of investment  and how to best human selfinterest paramount in this commerce.
Time is the universal journey of nature its absolute direction whose material presence is proven by  evidence of change diurnal  ontological transfiguration and the strategic ends of all progressions. Its evolution aligned to mortal holy curiousity ,enables effective use of time, saves human arts from all volatile costs of distractions .This includes tactlessness, aimlessness and a host of other ignoble items of the thieves of time ;so that time value rational preferences =TVAP,are deemed quite rational enough to contribute to meet envisaged visionary targets  of individuals and collective destinies .
Like every exist , what we know also is time driven including our tested skills ,require immediate use either for extant service or forecast service whose seeds must be sown in hope of future rewards .With   the passage of time these skillset could be moribund as novel expertise emerges making it to lack competitive buffers ,requiring reengineering ,retooling ,   retraining or upgrading or could be jettisoned or irrelevant .  The same with technology from time to time  upon which these skills and expertise revolve .The fall in the standard of living of people can be linked to time-allied depreciation returns and its cumulative damages  associated with changing technologies and changing competencies .It is expedient to avoid untested skills or expertise out of use given the fact that properly invested competency wisely deployed in time to service  can generate returns so much enough for the artist-in-question  who can further utilize the resources generated in time  to upgrade the skills for new development.
It is a natural law that Knowledge changes as time changes transforming the quality and quantity of technology and allied expertise that equally requires human change and value change respectively .Subject to technological change ,unless a certain level of environmental change  has taken place  ,to support value change ,human change or value change is downright impossible or may not be fully attained in the long run  .Since it is the environment that supports the individuals ,any change in technology is first communicated to transform  or change human capacity or the value change ,then environmental change is exploited to transfer impact to the larger publics .
The hepthacentric  time tested voyage of technical change-TTVTC  is a catalyst for success of political ,economic and social change in modern society .TTVTC truly speaking is the true of societal change –a possible template for societal revolution or radical transformation .To fund education ,time tested research and development can accelerate TTVTC to ignite possibility of material change –social,political and economic change.
In our race to beat time , we must be rational enough to apprehend ,activate and exploit the strategic impact potential and prolific influence of TTVTC  or  MTC –mass technical change as may be prevalent in a given socioeconomic system .We examine MTC  a little more below .

Arguably ,the progress of technical change signifies the  success of material change MTC .This calls for  tactical research and development into strategic value  chain  .These facilitate the possibility  of these seven forms of change as enshrined in the constitution , guidelines and exposition  of  destiny management .This including highlights with clarity  as buttressed with question such as what we mean by behavioral ,value change ,competence change ,human change and environment  change and  especially  espouses its climate change to some extent.This excludes time tested and time management principles .
It is agreed to put it precisely in a sequential order of sequence  or in a  rational compendium  perspectives  that without technical change , material change is not possible .Without knowledge change ,there can be no minimum human change ,and without human change ,there can be no value change .Value change is followed by technical change and without technical change there can be no material change itself in turn followed by competency change and without it also  full blown environmental change is not possible .Excluding competency and environmental change which are meant to sharpen ,stimulate and transfer impact multiplier  ,the seven forms - catalyst MTC are responsible for the changing nature of  societal fabric .
However , these are basic primary change parameters in any society upon which material change is exploited by nature and ignorant public .The society disintegrates or perishes should these basic principles be abhorred and detested .As the central dose of time change and basic principles of change   management  applied for  basic time management   for mobilisation of arts ,the treasury of time or its factory of change management  is more or less the factory of mass information production and publishing house of the great book of history in turn the great book of culture or nature in  which all mankind is fed or nourished   .A s the logic for time management ,it also applies to destiny management –a general case study in this edition.
In the application of this basic principles of change  and the organization of natural change ,it is expedient to  realize time value added rational choices are closely tied to it .This allows us to be able to benchmark the quality of our decision and its transformative effect on –AI-P artist in question .By using those parameters and basic components ,it is quite easy to adjudge too easily our level of change and change management over a progressive order of time.These choices are time value added rational choices –TVARC and not such measured by regressive order of time –ROT-not POT.ROT- BASED CHOICES ARE TIME DEPRECIATING VALUE ADDED CHOICES –TIDVAC.By applying the components so easily ,audit the growth process as it graduates through or permeate each of the components until the final stage –environmental change .
With this fairly ascertainable  change management benchmark,a ROT based human, political,economic and social  status can be easily determined fairly too quickly.This leads to a review of the growth process  audit .Therefore ,in a transition of a  growth process audit ,perambulation or static growth  at one point of the component or regressing or  backward after a given general progress in the transition of the audit process –TGAP; could easily be identified and certified as ROT and POT respectively as easily predictable forward leaning exercise.It is known  as positive TGAP and its nature of impact on social,political and economic change ascertained too easily .
Prior to exposition of the nature of components in their sequence and application , the growth ,impact management and general audit process –TGAP that comes with it tends to demystify the rich tradition.It is interesting to not that ROT promotes destructive change in contrast to POT of ample space for growth and development ,positive change or constructive change –being the nature of change under vanguard at a time .This could lead to a revolution if ROT tarry to exit-an erudition that could promote peaceful revolution in a rapid evolutionary making epoch. This saves human life ,restores integrity of time ,quality of vision, and standard of living .This is ideal in capitalist  or socialist enclave  that is lovely enough to accommodate this change otherwise anything short is nothing but chaos and vile.
We shall look a little bit deeper about the types and features of change ,its anatomical trends ,define change and later explore change management theories as it relates to MTC and strategic impact on the redemption of history .Let’s look further at the facts and theory
                                            TAVARC DRIVEN CHANGE POLICY
Change is the alteration of a structure or system in to a malformed or better system.The transformation of units within culture from cause to effect and vice versa.It  could be transported from ROT to POT for both positive and negative change to occur or in a balanced atmosphere or partisan basis .It is a variation from cause to effect and effect to cause .The two types of change-revolution and evolution could go both ways romping motion between the ROT Poles and POT Poles .Change is a motion between these poles and also with  the circular movements driven by its directive index-time between triple fields of knowledge .
WE already noted the types and forms of change that also act as components and  parameters to measure a given velocity of change ,between the cultural poles in both regression and progression order .It is the gradual growth increase and decrease of time and motion over a given period of time .With the MTC items and basic components we can measure transformation of one state to other or pole to pole .

It is generally agreed that the need for change in most cases in modern society as it were over the ancient is POT driven though depending on the nature of the time consumers at  time .Science has grown exponentially in modern times to the extent it is possible to set back the development  time of life aof a racial stock provided they are backward thing on ROT basis .For instance Caucasian did this during the slave trade and still postcolonialism and globalization struggle and impact on developing region is still ROT driven.So ,to manage change and time effectively every race must its science for its welfare lest they be ridiculed by aggression.To grow along this line every race can watch its progress and even regress.All components of change must be equally traded within the cultural fields’ sphere of the two types of change in a given change trade cycle for a given change interval or change to be completed intotal transformation has taken place.Then change is fairly predictable with this benchmark and with this predictability on a better standard effective time management is possible and time abuse including its distraction better avoided .


The concept of governance is undertaken by the concept  of capacity building  and requires a high dose  of responsibilty.And for it to be succesful in a complex environment of the third world country ,equally requires a robust legal system -a lacuna not yet filled by developing country.
In the first part of the piece below ,Ibikunle Laniyan ,the blogger  explores the challenges facing the Nigerian legal system while  also accessing  the legal profession and the industry generally and its strategic impact in the Nigerian society .

Before getting down to the brass tacks I must say  precisely the law by definition if we take account the sociological school of law as opposed to the philosophy of natural law and legal positivism is a pivotal resource  of social engineering ..The sociological approach to law which is a better criteria is concerned primarily more with application of law than the abstract definition .While the philosophers of legal positivism approach defined law as an imperative idea a laid down rules-based asset of a law making organization such as legislature in a politically organized atmosphere which must be given force from the power of a sovereign .That law even if heaven will fall whether good or bad must be implemented .According to Salmond it can be regarded as all rules recognized and implemented in the courts of Justice
The social theorists beginning from Karl Marx concept of dialectical materialism , Jeremy Bentham utilitarian school , Emile Durkheim ’s division of labour evolutionary evaluation and Max Weber ’s theory that emphasizes the function of law in social planning and western economy and cities to  Blackstone ’s model that defines law as a rule of action that is applied without prejudice to all actions be it animate or inanimate
Rational or irrational and sees law generally as  comprehensive self ……..  It also regulates human behaviors the totality of all rules operating in a given political society.Bentham sees law as the total number of individual laws put together , Roscoe pound  also of the same sociological school of Jurisprudence refer to law as a social engineering .According to Femi Adeshina Esq. in the paper delivered ‘Law as a dynamic instrument of social Engineering ’ presented to the Law society [faculty of law uni.of Lagos ;2001 ann.lect.] .He affirmed that for law to be dynamic instrument of social engineering must be relevant to social needs and aspirations and also must be proactive and up-to-date .Social engineering by aim is to build an efficient structure that grows peace faith and freedom in the long run in the society avoiding friction discord violence  and disunity .And the essence of the law is the orderly arrangement of the society smoothening and facilitating equity in the  members interaction from govt to the people and from people to the judiciary .
                                  Origin Of Law and modern evolution justice
The supposed origin of law in practically every civilization has been traced to the cradle and its source  of divine power ..Ordinarily such laws must be just transparent and advocate of universal justice .Today most cultures in modern times  beginning  from Europe to Africa to Asia, have abandoned this belief and position while the classical Islamic scholars  still never departed from their basic roots of Shariah and  belief in its immutability. In some of the Islamic states modification had taken place  on the basic framework of these laws through new interpretation process by the   kadis and scholars which persisted into the 21st century  .
The abandonment of divine vehicle indirectly promotes the modern legal growth and development due to changing demand and technology  surrounding economic development. To make the matter worse  divine laws enforces slavery even though attempted to secure justice for the follower ship[i.e. Israelites] .This Is divine absolutism .From divine absolutism  , human angle to absolutism evolved and especially after independence dictatorial regimes which took over government from western powers  were common all over  Africa .The successive decline that followed was as a result of evolution  from human absolutism into modern liberalism .Learning a lesson from history is particularly important .The School of Austrian positivism which reached  its climax in the Victorian times and the  degeneration of General Hitler who overran Germany using the sovereignty of ruler hip to enforce destructive tendencies later engaging in the bloodiest war in History .  Writing and declaring in the ‘Economic and Social Dimensions of Law ‘the late justice of Akinola Aguda noted that ‘what can endure is government under the law  not government above law ’ .This attitude is well illustrated at the 1937 NAZI PARTY  CONGRESS when he demanded for blind obedience .His government had the power to jail people without bringing them justice or without trial .I N France likewise before the Revolution [1789] the nobility could disrespect or disregard ordinary law imprison local subjects and inferiors without trials .In such climate miscarriage of justice is a great concern still a huge burden in most developing countries 
When we evaluate or assess the nature of the judiciary in the country we are confronted with a lot of questions and  poor antecedence of a moribund industry  and visionless  institution servicing and operating  ineffectively  in a vision less and highly disorganized society   .In the discharge of its statutory functions these factors continue to reoccur over and over again . First Instance if we look at the antecedence of Nigerian prison service we might need to start  from there ,providing a cursory framework from which to build . There is no doubt that in all ramification the condition of colonial prison service in the country was far better than the present day prison system .The  prison service is ill ventilated , ill equipped , badly furnished , highly filthy and above all overcrowded –a status that had remained the same for several decades .Several reports and findings have confirmed that the conditions of the prison service and  the inmates are  very deplorable .That they have been built with the intention to punish inmates .
In its memorandum to the Nigerian human rights commission the C.L.O. tracing the imperial , repressive ,  ineffective and unjust antecedence of the Nigerian criminal justice system had been regarded as ‘ the colonial legacy of repression upon which the ministry was founded ’Poor training bad condition of service inadequate motivation , manipulation of agencies by every successive government probably to witchunt , blackmail or silence opposition  . Although a little burden might have been lifted with renaissance of democracy but lives and property in the country are not exactly safer or better than they were in the  days of khaki or uniformed men .The Nigerian law reform commission also concluded the colonial structure was  a far better arrangement than what we see today especially in terms of reformation of inmates and all that crap issue of welfare duly committed to legal process .Another  factor, we may not be able to elaborate here  is the philosophy of prisonation  especially in the passage of sentences. 
In the congestion of cases in the  trial courts several problems had persisted for decades .While  the executive  are to implement and execute all laws made by the legislature , the judiciary according to the  had been assigned the onerous responsibilities of enforcing laws and settling of disputes among feuding parties given power to adjudicate conflicts resolution consequent upon interplay between tiers of govt , the people and the govt, the people and the institutions so that justice is enforced appropriately and adequately as at when due .By virtue of section 6 of the 1999 constitution of federal republic of Nigeria judicial power are duly vested  in the courts It specifically states that:
---that ‘the judicial powers of the federation shall be vested in the courts ………[sect.1]
----that ‘the judicial powers of the state shall be vested in the courts to which this section relates being courts established subject as provided by the constitution’[sect.2]
Two classes of courts are provided for in the constitution both the superior and the inferior courts of records with the former setting judicial precedent for the inferior courts [sect.6-[3] and [5] a—j of the constitution .While the following courts recognized as superior courts of records are the Supreme courts of Nigeria ; the court of appeal ; federal high court ; the high court of federal capital territory [FCT] Abuja ; State high court ; Shariah court of Appeal of FCT Abuja ; States Shariah court of appeal ; Customary court of appeal of the federal cap. territory ; States customary courts ; and such other courts as may be approved to exercise jurisdiction on matters conferred by constitution or national assembly ; the inferior courts that may be established by states’ house of Assembly include the magistrate ; customary courts ; Area and Upper Area courts .In the presentation by High court of justice ,Katsina state at the commonwealth of legal education Association conference in 2001 held in Abuja , the honorable justice I.M.M Saulawa confirmed that ‘most remarkably , more than 75 % of all cases in the Nigeria legal system are handled by these so called  inferior courts ’all over the country.
In the ‘Congestion of cases in the Nigerian Courts :Problems and Solutions ’ he further concluded : it is trite that the state social order is fundamentally founded on the well cherished ideals of ‘freedom ’equality’ and ‘justice ’.Thus…….that in achieving and securing the ideal’s mentioned there above the constitution further  provides  that :
--‘2 in furtherance of the social order –
 Every citizen shall have EQUALITY OF RIGHTS ,obligations and opportunities before the law ;and
The independence  , impartiality and integrity of the courts of law and easy accessibility shall be secured and maintained ’
He also admitted that the extent to which government is ready to protect fundamental human rights will determine the level of the security and welfare that could be accorded the masses in the democratic regime and its preparedness and capacity will go along way to grant redress where those rights are violated .For this purpose access to speedy disposition of  cases giving attention to universally acclaimed   right of fair hearing should constitutes basic legal roles in the trial courts and the system at large .
To reach a higher height   the nation needs improved justice system .I believe this is the time to take the bull by the horn  and probably go  beyond our usual human rights ineffective struggle as privilege dictates  . Bad  as the situation may be reaction by stakeholders to the existing climate would determine the type of remedies required for sustainable economic growth  .The issue of social justice is quite disturbing and absolutely disheartening  and embarrassing  especially in the economy via legal freedom  .
My point is exactly the common people  who needed justice to live in a disorganized society .To make the matter worse truly  the last hope of the masses really do not belong in the judiciary even though they made us to believe otherwise .The nature of the judiciary in Nigeria actually does not accommodate universal justice and especially  challenges faced by the people in the administration of justice .Therefore there are certain factors militating against the discharge of its statutory functions deterring transparency and equity in the trial courts .Factors such as the condition of prison system ; the passage of sentences and sentencing processes  ; in competency and integrity of professionals ; the cost of litigation ; corruption of judges; the philosophy of the prisonation or imprisonment  ;independence of judiciary ; and the congestion of court cases .Even though more attention had been paid to some of these challenge with the renaissance of democracy the burden and huge gap in the dispensation of justice however still remained .This hurdle may not be resolved even long haul for a nation with the highest number of subjective followers hip.
In the succeeding chapters while we explore the challenges facing the Nigerian legal system we also access the law profession and the industry generally and its strategic impact on the society .
Before getting down to the brass tacks I must say  precisely the law by definition if we take account the sociological school of law as opposed to the philosophy of natural law and legal positivism is a pivotal resource  of social engineering ..The sociological approach to law which is a better criteria is concerned primarily more with application of law than the abstract definition .While the philosophers of legal positivism approach defined law as an imperative idea a laid down rules-based asset of a law making organization such as legislature in a politically organized atmosphere which must be given force from the power of a sovereign .That law even if heaven will fall whether good or bad must be implemented .According to Salmond it can be regarded as all rules recognized and implemented in the courts of Justice
The social theorists beginning from Karl Marx concept of dialectical materialism , Jeremy Bentham utilitarian school , Emile Durkheim ’s division of labour evolutionary evaluation and Max Weber ’s theory that emphasizes the function of law in social planning and western economy and cities to  Blackstone ’s model that defines law as a rule of action that is applied without prejudice to all actions be it animate or inanimate
Rational or irrational and sees law generally as  comprehensive self ……..  It also regulates human behaviors the totality of all rules operating in a given political society.Bentham sees law as the total number of individual laws put together , Roscoe pound  also of the same sociological school of Jurisprudence refer to law as a social engineering .According to Femi Adeshina Esq. in the paper delivered ‘Law as a dynamic instrument of social Engineering ’ presented to the Law society [faculty of law uni.of Lagos ;2001 ann.lect.] .He affirmed that for law to be dynamic instrument of social engineering must be relevant to social needs and aspirations and also must be proactive and up-to-date .Social engineering by aim is to build an efficient structure that grows peace faith and freedom in the long run in the society avoiding friction discord violence  and disunity .And the essence of the law is the orderly arrangement of the society smoothening and facilitating equity in the  members interaction from govt to the people and from people to the judiciary .
                                  Origin Of Law and modern evolution justice
The supposed origin of law in practically every civilization has been traced to the cradle and its source  of divine power ..Ordinarily such laws must be just transparent and advocate of universal justice .Today most cultures in modern times  beginning  from Europe to Africa to Asia, have abandoned this belief and position while the classical Islamic scholars  still never departed from their basic roots of Shariah and  belief in its immutability. In some of the Islamic states modification had taken place  on the basic framework of these laws through new interpretation process by the   kadis and scholars which persisted into the 21st century  .
The abandonment of divine vehicle indirectly promotes the modern legal growth and development due to changing demand and technology  surrounding economic development. To make the matter worse  divine laws enforces slavery even though attempted to secure justice for the follower ship[i.e. Israelites] .This Is divine absolutism .From divine absolutism  , human angle to absolutism evolved and especially after independence dictatorial regimes which took over government from western powers  were common all over  Africa .The successive decline that followed was as a result of evolution  from human absolutism into modern liberalism .Learning a lesson from history is particularly important .The School of Austrian positivism which reached  its climax in the Victorian times and the  degeneration of General Hitler who overran Germany using the sovereignty of ruler hip to enforce destructive tendencies later engaging in the bloodiest war in History .  Writing and declaring in the ‘Economic and Social Dimensions of Law ‘the late justice of Akinola Aguda noted that ‘what can endure is government under the law  not government above law ’ .This attitude is well illustrated at the 1937 NAZI PARTY  CONGRESS when he demanded for blind obedience .His government had the power to jail people without bringing them justice or without trial .I N France likewise before the Revolution [1789] the nobility could disrespect or disregard ordinary law imprison local subjects and inferiors without trials .In such climate miscarriage of justice is a great concern still a huge burden in most developing countries