Saturday, May 18, 2024

Beautiful Dreams part four

We cannot doubt the sanctity of the fact that we live in a constantly changing world and it appeals to every facet of our life including the ever changing species of human knowledge in that we re under duress to innovate or risk threat of extinction.In this regard we re made to devise different approaches to break even and accelerate the conduct of fulfilment in the most ideal direction proved feasible beyond the idiosyncrasies of the challenging times and equip artist with the mental energy to seek ways to actualise fulfilment if not necessarily of beautiful dreams from the ratios of actuality,a spiral upward from meanness into laudable objectives.Such critical events in critical mass is a learning process and one grows the quality of experience on every passing ado and to adopt the best measures to dream and secure beautiful dreams the artist recourses to this experience in the onward trajectory toward the fulfillment of beautiful dreams once conjectured.Not many people are gifted with such midas touch and actualise them in blistering form but potentials can be quarantined and groomed and sometimes maynot work and when we identify close substitutes mordern societies should show love .I think a nation with decrepit history has done so much in the past to destroy these talents and to reap the evil consequences is bestowed with evil history and the same pertains to individuals.We must grow objective citizenry to reach our promiseland.

THE Beautiful Dreams.part three

It is always about knowledge that is to say what you know you must do;for if you hardly peruses it and broach the subject perfectly like the back of your palms it might slip away unceremoniously into imponderable Cosmos and forever never returns.The power of knowledge enables your abiding faith and inherent vision stays permanently glued to your volition .Let me say not just the knowledge but its quantity,the use of that quantity and quality and the use of that quality and where the critical mass in their uses of quality and quantity extremely matters,the tedious response and beyond marginal outcome portends the quality of that quantity and the quantity of that quality embedded in the effective discharge of that sustainable impact .Why do you think successful people outlive and outwit successful people in terms of the magnitude of impact? Apparently as you know some impacts are quantity or quality and their longevity of moral influence extremely differs to buttress even the marginal differences of this quantity of quality and this quality of quantity is vital to pass verdict on the impact quality and discharge.This we infer in the aftermath of causal liability and effect cost have been deducted.In most cases some impact of fulfilment are not sustainable and in some cases the quantity of sustainability and the quality of sustainability on the other hand must be taken into consideration.The best priority in the quantity survey of beautiful dreams is to measure the forecast competitiveness and universal impact of that dream and the universality of that quality should exceed the universality of that quantity in term of permanent reference and competitive magnitude of that qualitative universality.I think the fulfillment of that beautiful dreams should correspond to the truth of this axiom.Dreams come and go in the twinkling of an eye and behold a man who abhors tomorrow in the absence of preparedness I think he lives a miserable life thereafter and a miserly sloth and to those who are stuck with yesterday accomplishment not much better than the golden thieves of wasted dreams.If you mess up that dream you risk the destruction of unborn posterity and we ascribe glory and honor to the heroic effort of our ancestors for any critical bliss that we now enjoy and to those failed ancestry the passing generation should begin to reenact in the restoration of lost historical intergrity of their forefathers to rewrite their history and not to forgive them the miserable lot keeps the enduring sloth in their fascist administration of current generation a testament that they havent forgiven their forefathers.Men and societies with ridiculous history do not stride to rewrite the history of their people for they haven't forgiven their wasted generation and because they fail to forgive their own past the ethnography of coming generation are surely predisposed not to forgive them.In this erroneous society beautiful dreams die before they re born and anything goes even as they crave the politics of anything goes.We jettison beautiful days ahead the promise of earthly paradise when we subconsciously suffer beautiful dreams with their ignominious miscarriages.It does not get any better in this nonchalant society who have no insight of the possible extinction of their race, nationality,custom and pedigree and the best way to save that generation and society is to encourage cross fertilization of thoughts and free flow of information from civilised climes and we maybe fortunate to save beautiful dreams from rising canyon of immortal graveyards hibernating impetuously in the ignorant society.Behold in the society and generation that witnesses its floodgate the Spirit of arrogance to maintain their complex estate of superiority may accelerate their loss of preeminence when juxtapose specifically in an epoch when ignorant society makes a U-turn and a golden resolve to equip themselves with vision and abiding faith in the critical attempt to rewrite their erstwhile moribund history.In this context to know a people and their responsibilities and irresponsibilities you have to refer to their history and if the stigma of history keep occurring and reoccurring there is no posterity to the wonderful spiral of beautiful dreams to come and it is better to unbundle that society or people who invariably fractures the golden necessity of abiding faith preservation.

Beautiful Dreams part two

We are not found wanton in the dreaminess of these golden dream but only a few trampled successfully upon the canyon to traverse and abide in the archipelagos of dreamland.The derailment of decision is not enough to explain the derailment but that the loss of vision and inherent abiding faith should not be exonerated from the cancer of a quiet quiter.As we know times fly and we loose wonderful flavour of luxurious life and those who hibernate with procrastinates and procrastination tarry beneath hill.They go into the stupor of the present to ignore the coming bliss blinded by the egregious bliss of the present tenses and we are no stranger to the fact such dream evanesces due to the fact that they have the shortest lifetime in every specie of matter ever found yet the thoughts that propel those dreams have travelled trillions of ages and years to be born in the mind of that dreamer only to meet the watergated Waterloo in the much embarrassing evidence of miscarriages.We should be not keep quiet to the golden opportunities that come and go and infact when we speak or write about them they might not be saved by personal or collective efforts when the the loss of vision and abiding faith evaporate before the eyes of the dreamer.We live in evil world when the losses are many and in a righteous world when the losses are minimal.Albeit infinitely in the favour of the later and the world inspite of technological boom grows bleaker and bleaker even as it sounds in the porous fingers of human species.The sagacity of a dreamer may not save him until the grace of natural forces supplant and supplements the volition of artists involved.Nevertheless it is assured that we cannot charm tomorrow but empowered by vicissitudes to charm tomorrow with today on the altars of preparedness lest you re whisked into the distant obscurity of the unborn posterity.When we click and then hit the ground running we know what the stakes are ;we know what rectitude and size of solicitude we require to live a comfortable life and I say it boldly that everything is inbuilt into those dreams where the paradise of  artist ' s comfort lays.We do not forget beautiful dreams so quickly specifically in the heart of a jealous lover whose fibre and whole enchilada rocks in the delusion of that jealousy.The best way to guard your dreams is to grow jealous others who ve attained theirs and the energy it releases on the lawn of abiding faith makes the artist sail either euphoniously or cacophonously into dreamlannd as if unopposed .The birds in the sky do not complain of space,of constipation,of heat,of temperature,of speed or velocity simply because the time of space and the space of time so much commodious accomodate ever flighty birds,in this context their sportsmanship of flight adinfinitum.When you have no fulfilment beautiful dreams are not yet born and still when you have fulfilment beautiful dreams are not yet born and they shall be but not thrust in the miscarriages of a quiet quitter to defy the inherent gravity of forecast emergence.

Beautiful Dreams part one

The beauty of life cannot be underestimated and once we do the power of arts diminishes right there even from the perimeter of causes struggling in the causal ecosystem and we re what we say we are because we know what we say we are.I do not subscribe to those who believe that trials ends without progress and progress exist without trial even where there are learned algorithm badly needed to undo the dissidence of trial that tends to underestimate or demystify the struggling spirit behind the beautiful dreams the reason behind the survival of those who believe and I just wanna believe the road less traveled better makes a mighty impact than the jugular.We are what we say we are should we truly get stuck to the guns that we propose and decide right there from the canyon of wilderness and we cherish our price less sacrifice we put in getting the pyrhic victory from the dusk of despair into the dawn of our much belated stardom.We are always capable to live up to our expectations once we trust the supporting decision we cannot fail giving it abiding faith .

The Poetry of ibikunle Abraham Laniyan